Northwest Motocross Forum
PRO 3/7/10 Horn!
Fri March 12 2010, 11:58 AM
Ivest4PRO 3/7/10 Horn!
I disagree with you on one thing.....GOLF. Golf is challenging, a good drinking game and a great place to do business. Take a look at Tiger Woods... The guy's certainly not gay! He's the only guy I know that can score a 69 without setting foot on a golf coarse!! Now that
s funny right there.....

Fri March 12 2010, 12:15 PM
Auzzi152Invest4 iv'e said it before ill say it again... your gay... i know this is a family website so i wont get into how gay you are, other then golfers and people who defend the game of golf are slightly gayer then "logger on quad rider gay". good news for paul, unless he is a golfer/quad rider... ps paul i hope your vacation is epic!
Fri March 12 2010, 03:24 PM
MXRACER145Now that's funny!
when you hit the wall you have to choose to go over or around, why do you keep running into it?
Fri March 12 2010, 03:39 PM
B Sharkeyquote:
Originally posted by Auzzi152:
Invest4 iv'e said it before ill say it again... your gay... i know this is a family website so i wont get into how gay you are, other then golfers and people who defend the game of golf are slightly gayer then "logger on quad rider gay". good news for paul, unless he is a golfer/quad rider... ps paul i hope your vacation is epic!
auzzi to clarences defense he would flatten you on a mx bike, no offence but i agree with you on golf. the only time i have fun with it is when we go and are waisted at the driving range. on another note wich you might find funny paul traded in his quad for a bike and got hurt racing last weekend, now he has to sell his bike, give his wife his balls back

he told me hes back to quads and golf again

Fri March 12 2010, 03:55 PM
tedOK. Auzzi knew all along Paul was gay and you never told us. I should have known him being a big lib and stuff.

Fri March 12 2010, 06:47 PM
Paul 061you guys are idiots
If you wanna live life on your own terms you
Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ...
Fri March 12 2010, 07:03 PM
B Sharkeycome on paul, its funny. im workin on getting in shape and now you quit. remember that comment last summer at portland you said, something about sharkey could have raced for you so you could finish first in the series and you said a dnf is aa dnf
Fri March 12 2010, 07:10 PM
Paul 061that was Wilcox's comment, I defended you
remember , i can only do 2 laps
Posts: 1001 | Location: lake stevens | Registered: Thu October 06 2005
Ignored post by B Sharkey posted Fri July 03 2009 12:56 PM Show Post
Posted Sat July 04 2009 10:34 AM Hide Post
a DNF is still a DNF any way you look at it !!!!
Posts: 291 | Location: lynnwood | Registered: Wed November 12 2003
Ignored post by wilcox posted Sat July 04 2009 10:34 AM Show Post
Paul 061
Posted Sat July 04 2009 10:51 AM Hide Post
Oh man Wilcox that's a pretty cold thing to say to my good buddy Sharkey!
Posts: 2401 | Location: Puyallup | Registered: Wed August 04 2004
Ignored post by Paul 061 posted Sat July 04 2009 10:51 AM Show Post
Posted Sat July 04 2009 01:39 PM Hide Post
hey now paul ..... its all in fun!!!!
If you wanna live life on your own terms you
Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ...
Fri March 12 2010, 09:25 PM
B Sharkeyok your right, but you guys got alot of enjoyment out of it
Sat March 13 2010, 10:06 AM
tedYa we are idiots but the last several post are pretty funny. When do you go on vacation Paul?
Sat March 13 2010, 10:19 AM
Auzzi152Paul can't quit, motocross is in his dna. He can try and walk away but he will keep coming back, he cant help himself.
I lined up with Paul one time. It was a Stradeline race I think put on by PRO. If I remember right I got him the first moto and he got me the second moto. I guess I cant remember who got the best of who but I do remember it was a great day of racing... Probably one of those, "the older I get the faster I was" things...
Sat March 13 2010, 10:22 AM
Originally posted by ted:
OK. Auzzi knew all along Paul was gay and you never told us. I should have known him being a big lib and stuff.
really ted??? when he posted about riding quads you missed it???
I hope this paul bashing aint too close to the injury bud, you know we love ya man! It kinda makes me wonder though how every post on this site ends up making fun of paul...
Sat March 13 2010, 01:46 PM
Paul 061quote:
Originally posted by ted:
Ya we are idiots but the last several post are pretty funny. When do you go on vacation Paul?
Leave on the 28th of March. Gone for 2 weeks.
If you wanna live life on your own terms you
Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ...
Sat March 13 2010, 01:48 PM
Paul 061quote:
Originally posted by Auzzi152:
Originally posted by ted:
OK. Auzzi knew all along Paul was gay and you never told us. I should have known him being a big lib and stuff.
really ted??? when he posted about riding quads you missed it???
I hope this paul bashing aint too close to the injury bud, you know we love ya man! It kinda makes me wonder though how every post on this site ends up making fun of paul...
Bike is being cleaned up and most likely put up for sale. Some of it depends on what the surgeon says Tuesday. Lots of things going on.
If you wanna live life on your own terms you
Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ...
Sat March 13 2010, 03:09 PM
Osaka #627Paul!!! Don't sell your bike. Keep it, hang on to it, tell yourself you'll save it for one of these days that you & your buddies are gonna go trail riding.
See you soon. =D
The Asian Sensation - Stirring Sh** Since '89.
Sat March 13 2010, 11:04 PM
Auzzi152Then I hope and pray there is not just good but great news from the surgeon on Tuesday Paul!
Sat March 13 2010, 11:46 PM
spin05aahh come on Paul!!!!!I will be moving up most likely next year to your class....Now whos kill switch am i going to hit right before the gate drops???
#329 40+ class
Tue March 16 2010, 09:01 PM
Workman #21Hey Paul,
I got a 1976 Honda Gold Wing that's been parked (in heated garage) ever since 1990. Hasn't spun a crank ever since my gal said no. Humm wonder if it was that MX thingy?
It's yours if it'll keep you riding. I know it's no Yellow wonder but she sure does look good.
Wed March 17 2010, 06:46 AM
Paul 061you really want me to kill myself. I've had my motorcycle endorsement since I was 16 and never owned a street bike. Two weeks after taking the exam my good friend (who I went through the classes with) got killed by a women who ran a stop sign. I do still keep paying the money to keep it actice though.
If you wanna live life on your own terms you
Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ...
Wed March 17 2010, 08:19 AM
Pike 62Paul what is the injury that is forcing you to quit the sport you love? Shoulder???? That will also effect your golf game!

) Keep riding!!!!!