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I just would like clarification on the P.R.O. rules. I have been frusterated with contradictions in what is posted on the P.R.O. website under "rules" and what is actually done at the track. The first 2 rounds at Horn I am told that you can not put dirt on the concrete start but I see someone with a propane torch heating up their starting gate when it was wet. I agree with not putting dirt on a concrete start and it is listed in the P.R.O. rules. When myself and others made comments about the person using the propane torch to heat up and dry their gate we were told that was okay but in the rules it says the only tool allowed at the gate is a broom. Hmmm? This last weekend at Horn its raining on Saturday and over half of the starting pads are buried in dirt but not a word is said by the officials. Garret Devol I would like to thank you for being so patient with me as I was pretty upset about the whole 37 or so riders starting on a 30 gate race. I understand why you put Charlie in 4th place for jumping a gate he wasnt even given though I dont agree with it under the circumstances. You have no provisions under your rules posted for what is to be done when a rider isnt given a gate. I completly disagree with how you guys line riders up behind other riders at the gate. If there is even one rider more than there are gates then you should run qualifiers in my opinion. If this is how you are going to run it then at least post guidlines/rules for what you expect the riders to do that arent given a gate instead of just making up the rules as you go along. If my son and I had been informed that all he had to do was wait for the gate to drop and he wouldnt have been docked positions I wouldnt have minded so much. As for what you explained to me Garret about not wanting to send 7 riders "home" for not qualifying well I completly disagree with that philosophy. If you dont make the main too bad. This is the intermediate class not the 50 class. Please dont take this post in the wrong tone. I am not Pissed off I just want the rules you do have posted followed and if there arent rules posted (and as of right now there arent) for situations like lining up more riders than there are gates then I dont see how you can punnish someone for something there are no rules written on. Just my .02 guys. All in all I love your series and deeply appreciate what you guys do for the sport. Ted I think you have raised some great kids and I have loads of respect for all of you. That being said please fire away at what I have posted here. Thanks guys. | |||
I think Ted needs to hire me as the referee. | ||||
They dont need a referee if they follow their own rules that they have posted and dont make up rules as they go along. | ||||
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No M&H- I want to be the referee- I am good at making stuff up as I go and I hate rules- | |||
I'll enforce the rules to a T, and know them. | ||||
216. Please excuse me for being blunt, but really do we need to have in the rules that if a rider doesn't have a gate he needs to wait for the gate to drop? Really? If I'm remembering correctly your rider was 3 bike length out in front of all the riders before the gate even dropped. It was kind of funny because it was so obvious. Sorry, I find humor in strange places. With only a 30 rider gate running more qualifiers for only a few extra riders is very time consuming. Sending 7 riders home before the main event is very dissapointing to those 7 customers. At P.R.O. the customer comes first. Even the unlucky or slow ones. At P.R.O. we are trying to not have so many stinking rules that it gets way to serious. I got to tell you that dirt on the Horn gate is not very effective until you put a ton on the cement. The sand provides no adhersion to the cement and shears away which spins the tire. I watched people placing 3 inches of dirt on the gate and get crappy starts all day. Once they started doing the human backhoe and loading up the gate we stopped it. We will keep a closer eye on this stuff in the future and Garrett and I will talk about tightening the rules. Thanks for the input 216, your son is riding really good. I like his speed and style. I'm with you 742 I'm stinking sick of the rule the government stick up our butt, so we try not to be a fascist race organization. | ||||
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I'm with everyone on this one...can't we all just git along. If rules had to be-in-place prior to every conceivable event that could happen then I'm thinking we wouldn't be here or at the track for that matter but somewhere else like DC makin'em up. Ted's right on this one, besides people were talking about the great jump C got. If it were me look'n for and edge I'd be fighting for a pick like that. | |||
Ted I thought the dirt worked great, that and I had great dirt packers. ------------------------------------ If you wanna live life on your own terms you Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ... | ||||
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Ted how about just doing a blanket common sense rule ![]() | |||
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PRO rule #1 The squeaky wheel gets the grease. | |||
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You suck EW! I was enjoying reading about the- P.R.O. series pro payback- and then you moved it over to the pros only section! I understand why you did- but it was just startin to get good then you pulled the plug- you should of gave us a clearance for that one-lol | |||
Thanks for the response Ted. And dont apologize for being "blunt". I would expect no less from you and respect you for doing so. I thought it was funny too how my son jumped it and no I didnt put him up to it. It wasnt my son getting docked positions for jumping the gate that I disagreed with it was not having a gate at all and being told he had to start behind. I agree he should at least waited till the gate dropped. I also agree that putting dirt on a concrete start is worse than just leaving it wet. It truly is your business and you have every right to run it how you see fit. Ken I feel like maybe you took my post wrong by asking "cant we all just get along". I specifically have my son doing any of the series or races that Ted and his family run because they have such a good turnout of the top contenders in Washington and the surrounding states. I guess I just sounded like I was bitching about the things I posted when all I really wanted was clairifycation. Which Ted did. All I wanted is the answers you just posted here Ted. Thanks a lot. I cant wait till Air Way Hieghts. | ||||
Thanks for the input 216. Now all I need is to put a face to the kids #. I don't know about you but I recognize a lot of bike numbers but many times can't put the riders face to the number and it's even harder putting the parent face to the kids bike Number. ![]() | ||||
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Yeah, that was one that EW might want to bring back to public view. Everyone missed the part where 1 guy donated $1000 for the pro purse at the Airway round. Maybe if it were public, we could get more help? | |||
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Yeah i have asked before to make so the public can everyone can read them but not be able to post unless your a PRO rider | |||
That is a good idea... | ||||
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Yes that would be cool! It would be fun to read about what the pro's are talking about since I am such a big fan of the sport. And no EW does'nt suck I was just flippin him alittle crap back since I have been takin it from him for years- all in good fun-lol
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I dont see running riders in a back row as a problem, as long as it's a fair randomized lottery if its a few riders over the gates capacity. On the other hand I, was taken out of my class because I didn't ride practice? I thought this was a little BS on the PRO part. Not to Hijack but 216s dad sounds like he got the answeres he was looking for. I roll up to the line and didnt get my name called in eaither of my first motos... I had to start in the dirt along with 2 or 3 other riders. I thought it was my bad and I didn't fill out the two day entry forum but Garret came around asking my pals if I was riding and they told me they told him as far as they know I was on my way. Now that we have to pay I would expect to be left on the entry list untill after the first motos, not taken off after practice. Horn is my home track and I live 20 minutes away, didnt feel the need to wake up for 2 laps of practice on a track that Ive ridden for years and to stand around for 2 hours untill my motos started. should have shown up to spin my two laps of practice to be kept on the entry list... Now that we are paying I hope that doesn't happen again. | |||
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Thats not right.... I didnt think they monitor practice to the point of seeing who's out there.What if you run 2 class's,thus 2 practices and have bike trouble.Then dont make one,but fix it in time to race.I just doubt they monitor it that well.Could be wrong thou. #329 40+ class | |||
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I must of got lucky because I didn't roll my fat ass out of bed til 10 Sunday morning- got to the track around 11 and went straight to the line and raced. Or maybe they understand some of us oldtimers need alittle extra rest...i was worn out racin a couple classes Sat in the mud- Maybe its just a safety concern- i know after a couple laps of practice and the blood gets flowing I tend to smooth out alittle- Top Gun might be the exception so many riders and not enough time- This message has been edited. Last edited by: TRA-742, | |||
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