Richland 3/26
posted Sun March 27 2011 08:53 AM
PRO races ROCK! Don't hear much good about races these days,so got to give a big "ATTA BOY" to the whole crew at richland. From GRAMPS on down great job. Pro rider count was up at 30 Crater ,Obrigo,Urqhart were the most consistent,as of when we left(after second moto 250=6th of second round)
Bad craches don't have to involve jumps. T.Ivey crashed got up got hit and reports were arm injury,sad as he was riding very well. Same moto we watching woop section next to start and #95 crashes and doesn't get up for some time,this is going as trhe rescue veh. is trying to get to Ivey,things get sorted out #95 finally sits up and they get Ivey off the track,add in a 1/2 dozen more in that moto and I am exausted just watching.
Strange stuff can go wrong,but why is it always us? OK its not just us. 450 comes in after moto and rear brake hose has come apart at the compression fitting caliper end. Not torn off by contact,just hit the brakes and thought brake pedal pivot bolt was gone. Guess thats why they sell braided hose kits? JR

Enjoy Racing & Riding for Fun!
Be a Good Sportsmen (or women)!
Posts: 767 | Location: Oregon | Registered: Mon July 24 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Paul 061
posted Mon March 28 2011 07:50 AMHide Post
Yup was a fun weekend. I was happy to go home in one piece.

This message has been edited. Last edited by: Paul 061, Mon March 28 2011 10:28 AM

If you wanna live life on your own terms you
Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ...
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Picture of ..::MOTOX155::..
posted Mon March 28 2011 10:12 AMHide Post
Thanks guys! It really does mean a lot to the crew when they get positives compliments!
Posts: 214 | Location: Washington | Registered: Mon August 23 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of spin05
posted Mon March 28 2011 12:35 PMHide Post
yea way to mix up the track .......it was a nice change.With those rollers in the strait by the tower it seemed like it didnt get as rough as usual.I think my favorite jump was that step up in the back.You could roll it if you want,or hit as fast as you want.

#329 40+ class
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Picture of Marnie
posted Mon March 28 2011 12:57 PMHide Post
Diddo to what Paul said...
Posts: 240 | Location: Enumclaw | Registered: Tue January 23 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
posted Mon March 28 2011 02:47 PMHide Post
Does any body know how Dominic Franza went down? His brother called me to see if I knew, Dom dosn't recall much. He is getting out of surgery around 4 today.

when you hit the wall you have to choose to go over or around, why do you keep running into it?
Posts: 210 | Location: washington | Registered: Mon August 23 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Chaz822
posted Mon March 28 2011 03:10 PMHide Post
Ah man I hope he's okay?
Posts: 35 | Location: Bellevue | Registered: Thu July 08 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Vetmx808
posted Mon March 28 2011 03:41 PMHide Post
Ahhhh no way! Anyone know what happened? That bites..he just got done healing up from a bad crash a year ago I think...
Posts: 582 | Location: Montana | Registered: Mon September 17 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of spin05
posted Mon March 28 2011 04:10 PMHide Post
He raced my moto and somebody was down for along time in the back sweeper before the step-up. Not sure if it was him thou.That section ate up alot of good riders...

#329 40+ class
Posts: 808 | Location: camano is,wa | Registered: Sun September 03 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Marnie
posted Mon March 28 2011 05:05 PMHide Post
Dominic told me that the last thing he remembers was he was cruzen along pretty well along that back sweeper trying to catch the rider in front of him and then his front tire hit what he thought was a square hole and it ejected him over the handlbars. All he remembers after that was waking up with a bunch of people around.

He suffered a broken pelvis that required surgery. He is at Harborview and surgery was today.
Posts: 240 | Location: Enumclaw | Registered: Tue January 23 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Chaz#822
posted Thu March 31 2011 08:53 AMHide Post
Anyone have an update on how extravafranza is doing? Confused
Posts: 61 | Location: Bellevue | Registered: Mon November 29 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
posted Thu March 31 2011 09:14 AMHide Post
I posted something on season opener header, (Don't know why there.) Dominic went off the little step on the back sweeper and he didn't lift when he hit the ledge bump and forks caved and pitched him over the bars and body slammed. I was back there at the time. And no it's not our suspension. It did bottomed the forks and they knifed sideways and pitched him over the bars. The bump wasn't that big but was more of a curb which still puzzels me because a the dirt on the sweeper was freshly pushed into that area the day before and should have just created normal braking bumps. I'm going to go back to See Dominic on Friday. He is in there for a week then 4 weeks of rehab at another facility. Go see him if you can.
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Picture of Vetmx808
posted Thu March 31 2011 11:08 AMHide Post
Dang...send him our thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery from Montana. Thanks for the update Ted.
Posts: 582 | Location: Montana | Registered: Mon September 17 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Chaz#822
posted Thu March 31 2011 12:46 PMHide Post
Thanks Ted.
Posts: 61 | Location: Bellevue | Registered: Mon November 29 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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