Paul, if your going to make a point on economics, you know your not going to get away without a response

Paul, your a sincere guy, but if you honestly believe that our current economic problems are caused by what I stand for and consistantly push, you are seriously doing yourself an injustice. Our current issues (which can be traced right back to the turn of the 19th century, not as bad early on, but weve been selling ourselves out ever since) are perfect examples of the points I have made in this thread. Money is nothing but the monetary representation of work, and work can be defined in many ways, the only constant is what is produced in the process, and the effect supply and demand have on the product. Our current situation, at its core, was caused by the idea that something can be had for very little or no work (ie: Production)... This comes right down to wall street, the banks as a whole, property investors, homeowners, and anybody who thought that easy money can be made with no consequences... This proves my point exactly... You must produce something to be paid for it... You dont get something for nothing. Yes you can take advantage of situations, and there is a lot of people who do, but fortunately, contracts and agreements are recognized by at least two parties... Dont agree to something you dont think is unfair... But I digress...
You say that there will always be somebody who does something for cheaper, which on its face is true, but the problem is easily solved by cornering your market (Just what unions do on a larger scale). Remember, everything must obey the laws of supply and demand, so if there is heavy demand for your product, and there isnt many that can produce it, you can just about name your price, but the idea is to maintain demand so you can maintain constant production, which results in keeping prices low. Third world nations also have to obey the laws of supply and demand (Its one of those rules of the free market that spans borders and is self enforcing

), And they can build stuff for cheap. To put it simply, citizens of such nations dont demand the standard of living that even the poorest of the poor here do. Now fortunately for this nation, is that those same citizens also dont have the same skills that we do, and that liberty has made possible in this country, at least for those of us that made the choice to do somethihng productive. For those who didnt, well have fun competing with a guy in china who does your job for a fraction of what you make... Does the fact that you live in the USA entitle you to make more??? If you say yes, by whose rules...You have to be better at something to make more than somebody else...
Now lets apply this to the subject...
Why is it that you feel that these riders deserve any more than what the laws of supply and demand dictate??? Again, as said above, to make money riding dirt bikes would be an awesome job, but is it economically feasable?? Thats something both of us dont have the answer for. Your solution is to "stick it to the man" which almost always results in higher prices to the consumer (As long as the demand is there to absorb it, if not then you have the current union situation, where most workers are in the hall not making a dime), if price increases arent an option, than profit margins drop and the incentive disappears to hold the event in the first place... That means no production, and nobody makes any money... Why is that a good thing??
One thing id like to mention, since we are all about collective bargaining around here... Why dont the riders who cant finish worth a damn, get together with the ones who can, and beg them to split what they make on the races... My guess, is they wouldnt be too open to that... Why? Because they earned it... Just like the promoters earned their take...
Envy is a terrible thing to let consume you and to be envious of somebody who makes/has money and demand that they pay for things that arent their responsibilty to pay for, or you are going to use force against them, is, if anything, the most moral bankrupt action a human can take...