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I see they have the first race up on the website but I am anxoiusly awaiting the whole schedule. I started racing this arenacross and now I have the bug. I make a big trip to the dunes every year and I just wanna try to plan around the racing. | |||
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they got the whole schedule up now...... 2011 NORTHWEST NATIONAL MX SERIES - 12 Rounds Date Description Event Location 03.05.2011 Round 1 Horn Rapids Motorsports Complex Richland, Wa. 03.06.2011 Round 2 Horn Rapids Motorsports Complex Richland, Wa. 03.26.2011 Round 3 Horn Rapids Motorsports Complex Richland, Wa. 03.27.2011 Round 4 Horn Rapids Motorsports Complex Richland, Wa. 05.14.2011 Round 5 Extreme Motorsports Airway Heights, Wa. 05.15.2011 Round 6 Extreme Motorsports Airway Heights, Wa. 06.04.2011 Round 7 Albany MX Park Albany, Or. 06.05.2011 Round 8 Albany MX Park Albany, Or. 06.25.2011 Round 9 Washougal MX Park Washougal, Wa. 06.26.2011 Round 10 Washougal MX Park Washougal, Wa. TBD Round 11 Portland Intl Raceway Portland, Or. TBD Round 12 Portland Intl Raceway Portland, Or. #329 40+ class | |||
12 rounds! Sounds expensive. I may do a couple of rounds. I was pretty disapointed with the series end awards in 2009, not sure how the 2010 series end awards were? ------------------------------------ If you wanna live life on your own terms you Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ... | ||||
Paul. Say WAAA? The only thing we didn't give away was a bike. We gave a ton of stuff away. Every single person that did our series went away with product and product certificates from multiple companies. As crappy as the economy was many companies still gave our riders a wad of stuff. Not including the contingency. Maybe you can get Boeing to donate some stuff. You and Aaron might be able to lobby some of those congressional union supporters to cough up some cash. We did spread out the series for 6 months so even those on unemployment can afford to go. ![]() Suzuki and Honda are paying 10 rounds in 2011. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!! If I offended anyone by wishing you Merry Christmas, I'm sorry..................... that you're a pinhead. | ||||
That year Ted it wasn't very good. The products given away were small and alot of the coupons were already expired or were pay $ get $ off. I've heard from several folks that were disapointed that year. The trophies you made were cool. ------------------------------------ If you wanna live life on your own terms you Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ... | ||||
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yea i wont get anything this year anyway since im moving up. If you want to race with the fastest riders in the N.W. then i think you will find most of them at this series. Besides my son wont let me race another series cause all his friends ride this one..... #329 40+ class | |||
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Paul, My knee started hurting again today. I thought .. what-da-C~!P? I'd just spent a $fortune for full-metal-extraction to fix prob. Twas happy 3x times for absence of pain a month ago but it's back and have space-heater (ahhh relief) blasting on leg. Pain hurts and I go online and see this and so I'm wondering what all the pouting's about? Life's short. It starts out long for young'uns, just ask, but then it narrows with age. Guess you gotta be old to notice. To me Life started out with a "can't wait for Summer, aint it ever gonna come". Then moves into teen years and babes and..and..and..then into da 20's and what da-f~!k is this thing called life and cradle and work and food and.. only to slide into da 30's, 40's, 50's when all that's figured out and realization that life's about people! I see Ted posting his right-winged political crap here on EW's most-magnificent-forum and I see right-winged peeps opposing Ted and I for one get a hoot outta all of it. I love-ya all! It'd be an awful boring world if all it's peeps loved only Subway's-most-magnificent "Toasted Jalapeno, Onion and Olive Steak & Cheese topped with Chipotle sauce sandwich" and rode red-wonder-machines just like me but then who am I to say? Duwamish Tribe Native American that's who..big laughs-n-grins. I'm on here and I see Paul, Aaron, MX Family, Dog, Me, Marnie (oops Sis) too and all are having a conversation and getting into it and jabbing and countering and besting etc. It's all good. I see Alex (of Schiffman track fame) Jerry, Crater, Dan, Rob (as in Flaggler) and Paul S. here too. Peeps know Paul. Pike stops in (in Cali now) and Robert's back from Puerto Rico - a few years now. I see all of us here. I see it all Paul and I hear your words so here's mine. Be Grateful. Be grateful for having struggled as you have and do and having children too. When I approach a jump it's always "Oh my god I'm going to fast" and I gas it. Most times it works some times it don't. Dan (EVO) takes care of me on those occasions. Just be grateful. I'm 10x times grateful for knee surgery and removing pain, I'm 9x times grateful for gravity cause without it water wouldn't flow downhill and I'd be short on electricity to power my space heater cooling my over-pained knee, I'm 8x grateful for having a job because in these times having one is good just ask anyone who doesn't, I'm 7x times grateful for family which should be placed at 11x but this is a MX board and so I put all you guys first - sure I'll about that, 6x grateful for Lee, Ted, and people like'em cause we need entrepreneurs in the world and Lee and Ted are good, I'm 5x grateful for EW because EW's goes outta his way to make this board available so that people have a voice. Sure he uses it to promote EW MX Schools and who can blame, I'd do it 10x times over if were me. Point being my knee is back to hurting, heat's blasting on it as I write Christmas is here I have a bike (red wonder machine) prepped and ready to go and a job that $pays me enough to have an Internet connection and espouse all my C~!P on to all of you. 2011 Schedule .. Sounds great to me. If I had to rack up the $numbers I'd say I've paid $thousands of dollars for each and every trophy I've ever gotten. MMX aint cheap but by my numbers cheaper than the rest. I have my jackets, Vests, Coats, Trophy's and I'm convinced Clem (Enumclaw S.K.Y Suzuki, Kawsaki, Yamaha) to this day regrets his 1991's series give-aways. I know I love'em. Only wish I had his 1989 Wrangler (as in Jeans) awards I give away, Wrangler stuff. It was over-the-top and I won. I'd committed to give-away my winnings prior to seeing awards and they always looked good just never on me...ARGH! All, just this to say - be thankful. Just walking is a joy to this ole fart. Someone other than you might have it a lot worse off. | |||
I went in for an MRI on my knee today. It's been giving me grief. Ken they say pain is fear leaving your body, we should be fearless by now :-). rock on my friend! ------------------------------------ If you wanna live life on your own terms you Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ... | ||||
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Holy Smokes you guys! Lots of Grinches hanging out in this thread. You guys are cranky! I'm guessing you would have felt much better had you attended Clark County with me and the boys today. Anyway, I too am thankful for alot on this board. I have met many many people on here that I now ride with with some regularity. I am thankful to call all of you my friends, some riding friends, some progressive friends, some suspension friends, some woods rider friends, some mx trainer friends, some "I'm crazy heading up north with Sarah Palin friends, some "Hey look at me, I can talk to a tree" friends, oh, and one of my favorites, my bat $hit crazy right wing neo con friends. ![]() ![]() Not sure how many rounds we will do this summer, you know my MXPPA contract and all. I would though love to have a get together with all of us, maybe over at Horn after the New Year. I am sure we could look for a good two days of cold clear weather, it would be epic. Merry Christmas everyone...This message has been edited. Last edited by: Aaron, | |||
For sure Aaron I would be down to go to Horn In Jan..me and my buds have been thinkin the same thing!!.....also Merry Christmas everybody!!! | ||||
Ba Freaking Humbug ------------------------------------ If you wanna live life on your own terms you Gotta be willing to - CRASH AND BURN! ... | ||||
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As far as the P.R.O Schedule goes I'll probably do all of the Horn Races but the rest we'll see.. Long expensive drives. I was hoping for Ted to do more races locally like Burnt Ridge, Port Angeles or Hannegan. This year has been great! 2 Championships and alot of riding with the MXPPA crew. Went to Clark County yesterday and a had a great time. From the word around the pits the track wasn't as good as the last but it was still fun and built for everyone. Didn't see any femurs break or much in the way of panic revs.. except mine over the triple but hey, I need to make sure it works once in awhile! ![]() Well, it's going to be a new year, new bike "2011 Suzuki" of coarse and some good racing. Can't wait to rail some berms in the sun out at Horn!!! Heaven! Braaaappp!! ![]() Merry Christmas Everyone!! | |||
Sorry Ivest. We have to go to the best tracks in the Northwest. Good people at Port Angeles but little parking and a long way from everywhere but PA. BR doesn't want us and Hannagan same parking problem and distance. Ken. What right wing poliitical crap? The right wing doesn't steal our ORV money. That would be the left wing. The right wing is not stealing everyones money for a gigantic state government. That would be the progressive left wing. Happy Quanza anyway. ![]() Ken I'm with ya on salutes to Eric Waunch for this site. Everyone on here is good people. Love ya all. Merry CHRISTmas to yall | ||||
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No worries Ted. You always put on a great event. Alot of fun! Who knows... If my company nails some contracts in 2011 I'll probably do everyone's events! Whoo hoo! | |||
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Portland!!!!even if i dont ride any other rounds i will be at Portland!!! | |||
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KW, ti dsda? tule-all-chud .. Middle Ground. "My name is KW and I'm Middle Ground". Ted I'm Independent and Free and not tied to a party although I have to admit I just got my Social Security Statement (SSI) "1xxxxxxxxx1" in the mail and it aint looking good. Did some tracking and looks like I only got until I'm 80.1ish to suck back any SSI contributions made. Went to Actuarial tables for Aerospace werkers and it aint looking much better there, life expectancy in the 60's. SSI is telling me they'll be at 75%ish in 2037 and may have to cut. According to tables I won't even be alive by then, Dang-Nub-It I was making plans. I think I have a fix for SSI. Just raise the retirement age on Aerospace workers one year and all us will die off before collecting any $dollars and govt has nothing to worry about. Could happen. "It's a conspiracy man." EAT MORE SUBWAYS! the "Toasted Jalapeno, Onion and Olive Steak & Cheese topped with Chipotle sauce sandwich" kind is what I say - "Haw'chk" (Lashootseed language - means Good) they seem fine by me but then I'm the one doc says gotta take pills. I told him twas back to eating Subways best, the sun was in my eyes, goggles fogged over, did anyone see that take-out, gate-stuck, did-I-miss-my-race? that sucka was plain bad, not-me!, wake-up-idiot-we're-late! ...but to no avail. On da pills. Edited this page: Sorry all only just realized one might be able track SSI Statement number so replaced it with a more generic 1xxxxxxxxx1 version.This message has been edited. Last edited by: Workman #21, | |||
I have always appreciated you spreading the races over a longer time period Ted. I know for me its what kept us making the races when we did them and I thank you for that. As already mentioned if you want the toughest competition in the Northwest you have to do the P.R.O. Series. Thats where its at. Contingencys are nice but if your in this sport to make money or get something back good luck. We did/do it for fun. | ||||
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i have to side with paul here too. the trophies were cool but alot of coupons we tryed to redeem we got nothing. kind of pissed me off. especially when i see these guys racing other series getting really good stuff with alot less budget. teds series definately has better competition though.ted how can you say PA is too far when you make us go to airway heights.?? 5hrs vs 2-3. i mean every race is at least 4hrs. horn and washougal and portland all 4hrs spokane is 5 and albany is a easy 4+ we will see you at horn in marchThis message has been edited. Last edited by: B Sharkey, | |||
Please explain the redeeming coupons and getting nothing? We need to know if any of our sponsors is not providing what they say. I want to know exactly what you are talking about because we do give a great deal of product away in addition to the coupons. We spent a ton of hours (which equates to $) putting this stuff together during the year. Please call me with specifics. Sorry it's so far to the best track in the Northwest. Send me a copy of the letter you sent to Grays Harbor County to get a private contractor in there to make that place a great facility. If you people can convince them to go private it's possible that place could be one of the best. If not find a great place that's closer and sign me up. Remember I have to drive all over the Communist state of Washington too, paying the highest gas tax in the country just like you. March can't come to soon! | ||||
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Hell ya!!!!!!!Bring on the outdoor season..... #329 40+ class | |||
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