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Yes some people just do... And whose fault is that??? They are the ones who need to make their own decisions. I dont work for a big corporation, I work for a very small business, and I made that decision. The problem here is not the CEO's and other exectutives running the corp' into the ground, its the fact that the government comes and bails them out. Had the government not bailed out the the financial sector, shit would have already hit the fan, assets would have bought out, and we would be on our road to recovery, instead of racking up debt and keeping the ones who failed in power. There would have been no issue with these executive bonuses, because they would be out of a job. What this commie-ass government doesnt realize is they just made the problem worse. You say that you work for commissions, are you a salesman? If that is the case, than you sir have the wrong attitude. Commissions are there to encourage people like you to work harder for the company, not the other way around. The Problem with people today is that they think everybody owes them everything, A job, Healthcare, Housing and its All BS. You have to bust your ass to get somewhere, you cant get there expecting things from everybody. | |||
I too work for a small business, we have less then 15 employees. I manage the business, therefore if everyone is doing their job and the customers are satisfied and we are efficient, the company does well and therefore so do I. I am not a salesman, but someone who is in charge of the well being of the business. I do agree with your statements in regard to letting the businesses fail, poorly managed companies should not be bailed out, especially with tax payer dollars loaned to them by the government. I also agree with the "they owe me mentality", that is a bunch of crap. This country was built on the backs of hardworking families. My father was an immigrant, so you don't have to tell me about working for what you want, he taught me that lesson growing up. I would still the problem is both, yes the government should not bail the companies out, but how do those CEO's retain their jobs? If I performed that way for my company, I would be out of a job, not collecting huge bonuses or given some huge severance package. You get fired, let go, dismissed for doing the type of job these guys have, yet we are handing out $1+million bonuses to these dumb asses, what is wrong with this country? | ||||
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you do know that the line items giving the bonues was writen BY DODD pushed through voted on and sighned by B.O. So now that they got caught padding there supporters pocket they turn on the very same people and throw them under the bus . | |||
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You are so right Vern! You can never trust the government to handle OUR money. It is all about appearances with this administration, no substance. | |||
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That is the board of directors job to determine whether or not they get the bonus, get fired, are worth whatever etc. The board of directors answers to the shareholders. So to solve this problem, you can either: A) Become a shareholder and voice your opinion to the board of directors. B) Dont purchase the product that the company is selling. Getting the government involved should never be an option and is the gateway to economic suicide, all you have to do is look at history. | |||
I don't invest money in the stock market just for that reason. If it is the responsibility of the board of directors to oversee the CEO's and decide the bonus amounts, then who fires them? As far as I can see, it looks like a lot of people (the higher ups) have gotten very rich while the housing bubble was growing and now that it has popped, they have enough money so they and their kids don't have to work. How is that right? And now we are pumping tax payer money in to their companies and continuing to allow them the ridiculous bonuses. We are just plain stupid if we continue to let this happen. While I don't like the government involved, who else is going to police these crooks? It seems no one else is. The shareholders and taxpayers are the ones who pay in the end, the board members, exec.management and CEO's continue to get rich, while bankrupting our country (even before the stupid bail outs). Trust me, those who know me on this board know which way I usually politically lean, but it is hard to say you agree with either party right now, our government as a whole is broken and needs some serious change. The elected idiots in office have forgotten what it is like to work for a paycheck, just like the CEO's and top execs in the large corporations have done the same. | ||||
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It is hard to understand why the government even feels that they need to bail out any company? In the long run the loss of a big company such as AIG wont even be remembered, sure in the short term people will be hurt by the loss BUT we would recover quickly. Now the government has spent trillions of dollars trying to save companies that have miss manged funds and securities for years. So what makes them think that all that will change over night? Also how in the hell does it make things better by passing stupid ass laws to govern these companies on how to spend their money? How much are these new tax laws now going to affect the hard working honest companies? It is a new gate for the government to take control of our hard earned money and dictate how we run big and small business. Now that the government has forced them selfs into this position our kids are screwed and our investments for our retirements are in jeopardy. | |||
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Ya hear I stand in my empty shop waiting for my stimulus package my hands grasping my ankles..... | |||
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Up and comming tax increases...Billions, Reductions of your paycheck...thousands, Anal lube........Priceless. | |||
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Who fires the board of directors? Well whoever invests the most money controls the board of directors. So invest the most money in that company, and you can change the way they do business. As I have said above, until then its not your business what a corporation does with its money. You may not like that, but thats as fair as it gets. Its the business' business whether or not they go bankrupt, and if it takes 1 or 1000 jobs or tens of thousands of jobs with it then fine, your not gauranteed a job by anyone. You have to let the Shitty businesses fail and the good ones to grow, thats the beauty of capitalism. | |||
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we're on a different road... | |||
I can agree with that, businesses that are ran poorly deserve to fail, but I don't think it is fair when a business is ran in to the ground and the CEO's get millions of dollars in bonuses while the average employees are getting pink slips or salary cuts, that portion of capatilism is broken. | ||||
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I'm with that. The "Board of directors" seems to me to be a somewhat incestuous relationship. At some time (certainly not mine) nature will win out against our ivey-league-collage's (circa 1900's) as sure as Gravity "sucks" and mass is mass. It's that whole "hole-shot-vs-checkered-flag" capitalism thing. "Me-Me" vs "Heritage-and-Family" and see-ya-on-the-other-side philosophy. Instant vs Long term make up yer mind! I blame Jack Welch and the GE model thing. "Ya want-it-now" or "Ya-want-it-later". That whole "pay-it-forward" thing. My prediction ... JW will go down as a not-so-good human being and for me "GE" equates to "farm-it-out-to-cheap-labor-and-forget-about-the-consequences". I (for one) like my fellow human beings, MX or otherwise. JW (GREED) Short-vs-Long I have NO! respect for JW or GE | |||
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May if they don't change their ways B.O. will fire them. | |||
Indeed Vern. We now have our president firing people from privately held companies. Would this be socialism of fascism. whatever it is it is extremely frightening. There are some very well informed people on this blog. I hope you are also telling your elected officials the same stuff. | ||||
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Barny Frank just keeps push deeper and deeper into our back...pocket. http://www.washingtonexaminer....Salary-42158597.html Iteresting http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8l7UXM_wAw Where my hope and Chains? | |||
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The hammer and cykle are swinging again. ATVs will be subject to some additional safety standards in the future, and three-wheel ATVs are now banned altogether, due to some new mandatory requirements in the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA). The ATV provisions of the CPSIA require that any new ATV sold in the U.S. be subject to an action plan—a written protocol that prescribes steps the ATV maker or seller must take to ensure ATV safety, such as rider training, distribution of safety information, and appropriate age recommendations. Future ATV action plans must be approved by the CPSC, and each new ATV offered for sale must bear a label certifying its compliance with the applicable action plan. Additionally, new three-wheeled ATVs may no longer be sold or imported into the U.S. until the CPSC creates and implements a safety standard for them. The CPSIA also requires the Government Accountability Office to study the costs of injuries and accidents associated with ATV use. The three-wheel ban has already gone into effect. The rest of the ATV provisions will go into effect April 13, 2009. Further, the new law gives the CPSC the power to modify the safety standard if the agency determines that it's inadequate. | |||
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Well than why is it that the "average" employee isnt getting the million dollar bonus??? The Average employee is there to do a job, and 99.99999% of the time that job doesnt produce enough to render a million dollar bonus. You have to also keep in mind that just because some companies are ran into the ground, that there isnt some parts of the company that are successful with the exec's running them deserving every part of the bonus they get. I agree its a raw deal when failed exec's, or anybody for that matter, get any sort of bonus. However that is for the company to decide. | |||
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What do you expect when a failing company is going to the government for help, they are going to be told what to do. The privately held company could just as easy tell B.O. to F-off, but they want that Gvt. money, so they will do anything it takes.... Ted, Socialism is Fasicism, its all one big Collectivist cluster.... Under which the power of the few dictate the fate of the many. | |||
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