Originally posted by Aaron:
Originally posted by Justin Anderson:
Originally posted by ted:
Indeed Vern. We now have our president firing people from privately held companies. Would this be socialism of fascism. whatever it is it is extremely frightening.
There are some very well informed people on this blog. I hope you are also telling your elected officials the same stuff.
What do you expect when a failing company is going to the government for help, they are going to be told what to do. The privately held company could just as easy tell B.O. to F-off, but they want that Gvt. money, so they will do anything it takes....
Ted, Socialism is Fasicism, its all one big Collectivist cluster.... Under which the power of the few dictate the fate of the many.
If you are using the term Fascism in a pejorative sense, than that is the end of where you may be right.
Socialism and fascism are far from equal. Socialists feel that unregulated capitalism concentrates power within a minority of the people. They simply want some type of equality when it comes to opportunity within that society.
Fascism (or fasicism as you say) is an ideology where a dictatorial power forces the individuals of that society to forego or do without any means of self interest, by forced contribution to a collective interest of the nation in which these individuals live.
Both are vastly different, and aside from using them in a pejorative sense, what you say simply does not make sense.